Professional tool shop / FWT GmbH Feinwerktechnik Bingen

In der Pfaffengewann 12
55411 Bingen (Rheinland-Pfalz)

Details zu Firma Professional tool shop / FWT GmbH Feinwerktechnik Bingen

If collets or milling cutters with indexable inserts: Die FWT GmbH Feinwerktechnik Bingen is your solid partner for high-grade lathe tools and accessories. We also like to convince you in the area of tool holder with our goods of quality. Our range of products surrounds numerous well-known manufactures: Among others we sell brand products how KIPP Device elements, AMF Clamping elements, Homge vices, Lamina cutting inserts, MAKRA® edge deburring device, MULTISUISSE quick change tool holders, Strong power chucks, ROTOR centres, lathe chucks Tos Syitavy, TdeG und Zentra. If you should have any questions on one of our articles, do not hesitate to contact us: We like to advise you.


Collets for professional use

Our company granted with the clamping head a particulary high tension in connection with utmost run-out precision. You get the corresponding collet chuck in our shop in a range of two up to 80 millimeters. For example the model 5C: Through the simple and convenient design there will be absolutely no warpage during the clamping. Suitable for it, we deliver spanners for collets and adapters, clamping nuts, as well as extensive accessories for clamping systems.


Appropriately chilled toolholders

Whether with an internal or external coolant: With our drill holder and other hervorragender tool holder, tool blades get optimally cooled during the machining. For this we also have a high quality of cooling lubricants. Our own oil skimmers prevent possible pollutions immediately so there is not any impairment of the machine performance. Precision tools are available at a cheap rate!


Lathe accessory for professionals

First-class cooling qualities are a trademark of our Europe-wide sold products. Ein Shoulder milling cutters or face milling cutters cutters also have an internal coolant included, with the result that neither toll nor workpiece suffer from impacts of heat. We recommend the necessary boring bars, who also had a drilled hole for the internal cooling. Our lathe accessory like Zentra lathe chucks, independent chucks or lathe chuck adaptor plates as well driven tools in exceptional quality will convince you.


One cutting insert for most different materials

The Multi-Mat-indexable insert is for a broad range of material qualified to cut efficiently. There is no difference if you handle with machining steel, alloyed steel, high-grade steel, cast iron and also exotical materials like Inconel or Titanium based alloys. Up to now you only need one cutting insert, the Lamina Multi-Mat ® cutting insert. We offer you a big choice of milling inserts and turning inserts.


Take my word for it!

Whether for commercial producer, craftsmen or private people: The FWT GmbH stands for an uncomplicated order process and short lead times. Our shop confident with acceptable prices and we also have a realtime stock level indication. You can not only trust in the quality of our collets, oil skimmers and and other products, but also in our services.n.


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Professional tool shop / FWT GmbH Feinwerktechnik Bingen in 55411 Bingen

Firma Professional tool shop / FWT GmbH Feinwerktechnik Bingen aus 55411 Bingen in der B2B-Firmensuche Bailaho: Die Firma Professional tool shop / FWT GmbH Feinwerktechnik Bingen ist Anbieter, Lieferant, Händler, Großhändler, Hersteller, Produzent und / oder Dienstleister für die Produkte, Leistungen, Branchen und Anwendungsbereiche, die oben in den Keywords oder in der Firmenbeschreibung genannt werden, wie z.B. Indexing fixtures, Inserts, Jaw turning rings, Jaws und Jaws for vices.

Erfahren Sie in der Firmenbeschreibung, ob die Firma das anbietet, was Sie suchen. Informieren Sie sich z.B. über Losgrößen und Liefermengen oder (bei Fertigungsbetrieben) ob Einzelteilfertigung, Prototypenbau, Kleinstserien, Kleinserien, Mittelserien, Großserien, etc. angeboten werden. Fragen Sie nach verwendete Werkstoffe und Materialien oder nach Fertigungsverfahren und ob auch z.B. Lohnfertigung oder Auftragsfertigung mit oder ohne Vorbehandlung und Nachbearbeitung erhältlich ist. Fragen Sie z.B. auch nach Baugruppenfertigung, Baugruppenmontage oder Gerätefertigung / Gerätebau.

Kontaktaufnahme leicht gemacht: Besuchen Sie die Website der Firma für noch mehr Detailinformationen. Oder senden Sie der Firma Professional tool shop / FWT GmbH Feinwerktechnik Bingen eine Anfrage oder rufen Sie die Firma einfach an. Bitte teilen Sie der Firma bei einer Kontaktaufnahme mit, dass der Kontakt über Bailaho zustande kommt.

Professional tool shop / FWT GmbH Feinwerktechnik Bingen 55411 Bingen  Indexing fixtures,  Inserts,  Jaw turning rings,  Jaws und  Jaws for vices

Professional tool shop / FWT GmbH Feinwerktechnik Bingen
In der Pfaffengewann 12
55411 Bingen (Rheinland-Pfalz)

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Mittwoch : 08:00 - 17:00

Donnerstag : 08:00 - 17:00

Freitag : 08:00 - 17:00

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